Read and check as you complete:
Essential Question (Unit 4):
What are the essential features of an effective drama and/or dramatic performances?
Embedded Assessment (Unit 4; pages 319-325):
Your assignment is to work with your acting company to interpret, rehearse, and perform a scene from The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet (by William Shakespeare). In addition to the performance, actors, the director, and the dramaturge will prepare notebooks to accompany the scene.
I.____Do Now: In writing, explore your experience with theatre and the plays of William Shakespeare.
- What plays, in general, have you experienced?
- What were they about?
- What did you like about this live performance and what didn’t you like?
- What Shakespeare, either live, through reading, or through film adaptation, have you experienced, and what did you think about it/them?
- Draw a line below your answer for the “do-now”
What is meant by “rationale” ? Give the reason why this answer is the BEST answer among the choices.
Rationale Example: For question # 1, “D” is the best answer because the question seeks “an easily understood compound sentence”. “D” is the only correct usage of a semi colon, transition phrase and comma to combine two independent clauses.
III. Whole Group Read: Unit Overview (page 25) and Learning Focus (page 254)
- Do page 255 in your textbook
- Identify the following on this sheet in the space provided below.
- Create your own Learning Map/Poster: Once you have completed this, Use a piece of dot-matrix paper to create a poster for Unit 4: Interpreting Drama Through Performance. Make it colorful and neatly executed. Include all of the following ( Check as you put each of the following in your poster ).
Unit 4 Poster
- ____Title of the Unit 4 (“Unit 4: ...)
- ____Essential Question ( The same as above on this handout)
- ____Embedded Assessment assignment (Only the first one) on page 319
- College Readiness ( What do you think this unit offer to the college bound student?
- ___Wow! (These are things i think I will like to do or read in this unit)
- ___Woah! ( These are things I don’t think i will like or might be a big challenge for me.
- _____Texts! ( These are some of the interesting things we will be reading)
- _____Important Concepts/Terms: These are things identified in bold type in the “Learning Focus” on page 254.
- _____a positive statement about your expectations for this unit.
- _____a visual image ( Maybe a picture of Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, or the famous Globe Theatre of yore.
You will be graded on your completion of all ten elements in this poster.
It is due at the beginning of class on Wed., April 3, 2013. We will have a gallery walk of these posters.
- Test Corrections (Due by Friday, April 5, 2013).
- Poster due Wednesday
- If you haven’t turned in your final draft of the style analysis essay, ten points will be deducted after Mon., April 1. This is a major grade for the last trimester?
- Answer the following, your best guesses, in response to the photograph you have been given. Write your responses at the bottom of the photocopy:
- The person’s gender, age, and ethnicity
- His or her facial expression
- The kind of person you think he or she is; what he or she might sound like; what what he or she might talk about; what body movement or gestures he or she would use
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