Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 29, 2012 Lesson: Conducting an Interview

Essential Question: How do we conduct an interview?

You will be conducting an interview together with your class. Their interviewee is a Senior classmate from Ellsworth High School.

Before you do this, you should look again ( as last night’s homework was to read Springboard pages 56-56) at the following:

  1. Fill-in Columns K and W in the KWL Chart:

Interviewee’s Name:  ________________________________________


K-What I know
W-What I Want to Know
L-What I Learned

  1. Based on what you already know, either from your own knowledge of the person or from what your teacher tells you, make a list of questions that you think might get and keep the interview flowing ( this will be something to do with a coming of age theme ( in high school); getting your driver’s license, our own freshmen year, first dance, high school sports, first job…)
Remember that this is a classmate who has volunteered to help you experience the interview process; please be appropriate. You will only have one question.
  1. Take notes. Include the questions asked and answers given. Time will be given to record Q & A. Think-Pair-Share so that you can capture quotes verbatim, while your partner summarizes important information from the answers. Remember to ask good follow-up questions ( identify in your notes that these are follow-ups).
  2. Thank the interviewee; its difficult being interviewed by so many people.
  3. Fill Column L in the KWL Chart above (At least two things, if not more).
  4. We will return to our own classroom. In pairs share your findings from the interview. Brainstorm and fill a sheet of paper with information from both your memory and notes:
a.       Consider how the interviewee spoke, acted and looked (record)
b.      Consider the setting ( what was the room like with two classes packed in)
c.       Consider how the interview was effected by so many interviewers and so many questions.
d.      What was the significance of what the interviewee shared?
e.       What were the memorable direct and indirect quotes of the interview?

  1. Compete #6 Assessment piece ( Circle one from 1-3):

1.      I learned a lot about the person being interviewed.
2.      I learned some things about the person being interviewed, but I wanted to learn more.
3.      I did not learn very much about the person being interviewed.

  1. Turn to pages 58- 59 in Springboard. Brainstorm  Step 4 for your own interview.
  2. Visit:

 Homework ( for Monday, Dec. 3): Read and complete pages 58-59 in your Springboard text.

Lesson on Writing a Report/Presentation of a Question and Answer Interview

Essential Question: What might go into a written report/presentation of a question and answer interview?

Do Now/ Quickwrite: Describe the voice of the interviewee, Bethany Hamilton, from yesterday's reading.

You all read Bethany Only Going Ahead, by Jan TenBruggencate in class yesterday.

You marked the text identifying both direct and indirect quotes. You designated the first with a straight line and latter with a wavy line.

A direct quote is a word, line or passage that is reported in quotation marks and may have some of the dialogue tags that we looked at a few weeks back, including he said, she said, they said etc. 

An indirect quote is a summary of something that was said by, in this case, and interviewee.

Some of the indirect and direct quotes that may have been marked in your text while reading Bethany Only Going Ahead might be:

...she insists that she'll be back on the waves soon [indirect].

"We never saw it, or anything, before it bit. It took me. It lasted about three seconds long. all I saw was a gray blur [direct]."

"Strong faith and strong family helps me, does it for me," said Bethany... [direct].

Listening Exercise: A Utube Video Archive of an Interview with Bethany Hamilton [July 11, 2011].

We will watch this 4 minute video while taking notes.

Our notes should anticipate answering the following found on page 57 under "Writing Prompt".

  1. Describe how the interviewee [Bethany Hamilton] is speaking, acting and looking in the interview.
  2. Describe the setting of the interview. How does that complement or contrast with her story.
  3. Write about the importance of the events discussed, include both direct quotes with quotation marks and indirect quotes ---summaries of what was said.
Read pages 56-57 in your Springboard text
Review the "Embedded Assessment" pages 60-62 in your Springboard text 


  1. Have students stand and engage in imaginary beach ball activity. The person with the ball answers the questions to the best of their ability and throws it to someone else who adds to that answer. Every gets a turn.
  2. The question that is first asked is the essential question. What do we initially believe the answer to be?
  3. We will also share our response to the quick write question. What is voice? It consists of diction, syntax, imagery, emotion...
  4. Student will sit down and answer the quick write.
  5. Review yesterday's task. We will review the direct and indirect quotes we identified in class in the text Bethany Only Going Ahead.
  6. Look at the "Writing Prompt". What is meant by "speaking, acting and looking" in the first task? What is meant by "the setting of the interview"? What is meant by the "events discussed"? Give examples.
  7. Watch the video of the interview with Bethany Hamilton (Twice) Students will make notes during the second showing.
  8. Students will complete the writing prompt.
  9. Students will be asked to answer the essential question.


Students will identify aspects of voice in an interview write-up

Students will recognize the effect of direct and indirect quotations in conveying voice.

Students will review the punctuation of quotation and dialogue tags

Students will examine nonverbal aspects of an interview presentation including the interviewee's behavior, actions, body language and expressions.

Students will examine how the setting of an interview may contribute to it.

Students will realize a written response to an interview.