Learning Map: Check each as you consider and complete.
Essential Question:
What strategies might help us to better understand drama and, specifically, Shakespeare’s plays?
I. Do Now (7 minutes ):
As we have learned, Mercutio dies when Romeo tries to stop a fight. If Romeo had not gotten involved, Mercutio might have lived. Think of a time when you tried to help a friend (or a friend tried to help you), but the situation got worse. Explain in writing the conflict. Then tell why you (or your friend) became involved and what you would do differently if you could.
II. Look at the Primary Source: 1603 Document ( from Cleaver, Robert. A Godly Form of Household Government for Ordering of Private Families According to the Direction of God’s Word. London: Thomas Creede, 1603.). Document on the blog as well as attached here. (10 minutes):
In pairs, look over the document once. Read through it trying to locate ideas that relate to courtship, marriage, children’s duties, and love. Before you get to reading, in this time period the lower case “s” was written like the letter “f”. Once you get over this, the reading will be fairly easy to decipher. See what you can find in this four hundred year old document.
a._____Identify key words and phrases. Check the meaning of unfamiliar words ( You have internet access, after all).
- _____List the main ideas on a piece of paper.
c. _____Write a paraphrase, using your own words to restate the author’s ideas. Keep the following in mind as you write this paraphrase:
- ____Paraphrase. Quote. Write down each important idea as clearly and concisely (briefly, too) as possible for your use on the following writing prompt.
- ____Put quotation marks around key words or phrases taken directly from the source.
- ____Arrange the ideas into a smooth, logical order. (Your version of the author’s views should be as easy to read as the original; in this case, I should hope so.)
- ____Have I kept the original writer’s ideas and point of view clear in my paraphrase? Have I quoted where necessary?
- ____Could another person get the author’s main idea by simply reading my paraphrase.
III. Writing Prompt (20 minutes). In several paragraphs, characterize 17th century expectations of children’s behavior regarding courtship and marriage. Use the information from Romeo and Juliet as well as information drawn from the pages of the Cleaver manual (1603) as evidence to back up your statements. Use direct quotes. Reference your sources: “In the Cleaver manual, he states....; in Romeo and Juliet, Lord Capulet says...
- Embedded Assessment, page 319-325. Let’s look at: Activity 4.16, pages 285-286 (10 minutes).
- Formulate theater companies ( groups of four ).
- Pick Scene to act
Do Questions 1 & 2 as a whole group on page 287.
On the bottom of today’s work, each person create a contract based on page 287, sign it, and turn it in.
- Read Act III and IV
Take notes on the characters that will be a part of your scene.
VI. Homework: You will be completing a comparison and contrast essay. This will compare and contrast the style devices of Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli as well identify the cinematic techniques used in the two film interpretations of Romeo and Juliet. To get started, go to the Pages document you labeled “comparison and contrast essay” on your computer. Identify in writing on that Pages document style devices (color, lighting, sound/music, costumes, setting, or props) used by Luhrmann and Zeffirelli and for what purpose.
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