Check as you complete.
Essential Question: What are the essential features of an effective drama and/or dramatic performance?
I. Do Now (6 minutes): Answer the following in writing:
- Using your experience with last night’s homework assignment, describe the character you will play in your performance of a scene?
- Consider your group’s evolving script, and state some of the unique lines you will speak in this scene performance ( that means sharing some of the changes that you have made or anticipate making to specific lines; you can consult the play)
You can get into your groups to finish the Springboard activities below before moving on to Roman numeral III which is the group work to be finished by Friday.
- Below your do-now response draw a line.
- Complete the activities on the loose leaf paper rather than on the handout.
(After 14 minutes, groups report back to the whole group. Resume 20 minutes of work)
b. Decide on how you wish to present this particular scene(s). This will be your interpretation of Shakespeare’s play.
- Will you try to adhere to what is believed to be the original, that is, something akin to Zeffirelli’s portrayal of the play. That would mean that you would have to re-create a medieval setting and costumes.
- What changes are you going to make? Before you make any decisions about this make sure that the teacher is aware of the changes.
- Write a proposal of what you intend to do. Create a detailed storyboard with written captioning to both review the Act and to visualize how the scene might look in your interpretation of it. You will hand this in for approval.
- Begin the collaborative group work by re-reading the Act you have been assigned.
- If you are not going to use the original language of the play, you will need to create an original script that stays true to the events and situation.
- As another written description, you will need to identify in the dramaturge’s, director’s, actor’s, and cinematographer’s notebook the costumes, props, and setting, and you will need a description of how you plan to create these. How would these things connect with the actor, director or dramaturge?
- The script, its delivery, the props, setting, and costumes will all need to be in a polished state for a final videotaping. This is not to be a rushed piece of work but something that reflects what you have learned this year. What are cinematic techniques, story elements, and stylistic devices? How can storyboarding, group work, graphic organizers, visualizing, and scripting all come together to make a polished play production?
All the written plans described above, for this production, will need to be turned in by May 17, as time will be given in class for the collaborative process.
Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet ( 20 minutes).
Hand in work at the end of class ( Activities 4.19 and 4.20)
Activity 4.20: “But Now I’ll Tell Thee Joyful Tidings, Girl”
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