Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 6, 2013: Unit 4 Romeo and Juliet Paraphrasing and Direct Quotes, Marriages & Courtship Medieval and Renaissance Style.

May 6, 2013: Unit 4 Romeo and Juliet

Paraphrasing and Direct Quotes, Marriages & Courtship Medieval and Renaissance Style.

Learning Map: Check each as you consider and complete.

Essential Question: What strategies might help us to better understand drama and, specifically, Shakespeare’s plays?

1.       Do Now (8 minutes): By the end of Act II, the old saying “throw caution to the wind” couldn’t be better illustrated. That phrase can be used to explain what Romeo and Juliet have done. They have let their emotions guide their actions without thinking about the consequences or results. Map all the consequences that might result from Romeo and Juliet’s actions. Think of both good and bad results. After your list is complete, be ready to discuss your ideas.

2.       Mini-Lecture: Paraphrases (2 minutes): When you write a report or research paper, or you want to better understand a Shakespearean play like Romeo and Juliet, you need to restate ideas in your own words and  you need to support your ideas with information from other sources and give credit to those sources. These are two ways to do this: either quote directly or paraphrase what other people have written.
When you paraphrase,
·         you use your own words to restate the author’s ideas.
·          You include the exact words of the author when necessary and put quotation marks around them.

3. Springboard Activity 4.13: Pair Work( 10 minutes): With a partner paraphrase. A paraphrase text will be about as long as the original text (You are putting the text in your own words not summarizing ). Work with your partner and to paraphrase the dialogue in Act II, Scene 3 of the play between Romeo and the Friar that begins with Romeo’s line, “Thou chid’st me oft for loving Rosaline” and ends at the close of Scene 3.

a.       ___Both partners should write the entire dialogue on separate paper. Then with your partner, rehearse saying the dialogue in different ways.

b.      ___Finally, in writing, reflect on how the strategies you used helped you understand the scene
( Be sure to hand this in with the other work from today).

4. Springboard 4.10. (20 minutes): In addition to the above paraphrasing, we will look at passages from Act I in R & J for information about how marriages were arranged and what the negotiations might have included. After you have followed the directions below for the 1603 document and have come up with some paraphrases and quotes, you will do the same thing for the play. You will look specifically at these pages in the R & J text.

a._____page 45, lines 6-7          b._____page 45, lines 7-15          c._____page 47, lines 49-50                   d._____page 67, lines 50-52     e._____page 71, lines 112-117    f._____page 81, lines 100-114
g.______page 83, lines 123-124      h.______page 85, lines 144-147

Read through the above passages ( Check as you complete ) and see how they might relate to a discussion about parent’s expectations, the ideal companion, marriage, and the qualities nurtured in children in Shakespeare’s time. Paraphrase and quote from each.
______Write down your paraphrases and quotes from the above and turn in at the end of class.  

5. Look at the Primary Source: 1603 Document ( from Cleaver, Robert. A Godly Form of Household Government for Ordering of Private Families According to the Direction of God’s Word. London: Thomas Creede, 1603.). Document on the blog as well as attached here. (10 minutes: Complete a, b, and c today; tomorrow we will complete tomorrow; if we have time today, get started with that paraphrase. )

In pairs, look over the document once. Read through it trying to locate ideas that relate to courtship, marriage, children’s duties, and love. Before you get to reading, in this time period the lower case “s” was written like the letter “f”. Once you get over this, the reading will be fairly easy to decipher. See what you can find in this four hundred year old document.

a._____Identify key words and phrases. Check the meaning of unfamiliar words ( You have internet access, after all).

b. _____List the main ideas on a piece of paper---without looking at the selection ( Honor System).

c. _____Review the selection one more time so that you have the overall meaning clearly in mind as you begin to write the following ( This is an exercise in using primary source, documents, which are essential to original research):

d. Write a paraphrase, using your own words to restate the author’s ideas. Keep the following in mind as you write this paraphrase:

  • ____Stick to information you could use for your paper.
  • ____State each important idea as clearly and concisely (briefly, too) as possible.
  • ____Put quotation marks around key words or phrases taken directly from the source.
  • ____Arrange the ideas into a smooth, logical order. (Your version of the author’s views should be as easy to read as the original; in the case, I should hope so.)
  • ____Have I kept the original writer’s ideas and point of view clear in my paraphrase? Have I quoted where necessary?
  • ____Could another person get the author’s main idea by simply reading my paraphrase.
Homework: Read and be prepared to answer questions about the Embedded Assessment, page 319-325. Also take a look at: Activity 4.16, pages 285-286, for that Embedded Assessment.

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