Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday, May 15, 2013, Romeo and Juliet

Essential Question: What strategies might help us to better understand drama and, specifically, Shakespeare’s plays?

I. Do Now (6 minutes): In order to understand your progress on the final project, you are to repeat yesterday’s do-now, as the class time used for group work should have resulted in a clear idea of how you will interpret your group’s scene(s). 
On a piece of paper identify in writing:
___a. The act and scene(s) you are interpreting.
___b. A short description that describes your approach to the setting, script, scenery, and costume.

II. Franco Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet (24 minutes). Foremost, as we move into work on our final project, a performance of a scene(s), is having a thorough understanding of the original play which we are interpreting. We will finish up our reading of Act V, and follow that up with a close read of the remainder of the Zeffirelli film. 

  • ___Read Act V. We will finish pages 268-303. We will first read the “Act Summary”.
  • ___Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet (1:55:00-2:18:00 = 23 minutes)

III. Read and complete the following (Springboard Activity 4.25) (17 minutes):

____(1.)The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet has been performed countless times since Shakespeare’s company first staged the drama, in part because audiences around the world respond emotionally to the young lovers who cannot be together. 

____2. In writing, list the props you would need to create your vision of this scene.
____3. In writing, list the props you will need for your group’s scene(s).
____4. The scene when Romeo and Juliet die is obviously one of the most important scenes in the play. think about how you might stage this scene. Draw a diagram of your set and mark where your actors and props would be in the box provided on the reverse of this handout.  
IV. ____Exit Ticket (3 minutes) (Write this at the bottom of your do-now)
  • Identify some of the learning strategies we have used in class today. 
  • What did you learn through these strategies today about the play?


1. ____Begin work on writing your script for your scene performance. Assign roles to your group members. Decide on the setting ( place and time period) of the scene with your group. Make each group member responsible for writing their role’s lines. Write this as a Pages document so that you can combine these lines in a complete script to turn in for teacher evaluation.

2. ____Honors Challenge video presentation. I have not seen anything from the groups assigned to create a presentation about English and US Government. This is video presentation is due next week; we will show it to a group of eighth graders on May 24. You are being counted on for this. A working version of a video is due by this Friday so that recommendations can be made for a final revision that you can work on over the weekend! 
3. ____If you haven’t, complete an introductory paragraph for your comparison and contrast of Zeffirelli’s and Luhrmann’s comparison and contrast essay. Write it as a Pages document. Print it. Turn it it. Details about this homework assignment are listed on the learning map for May 14, 2013.

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