Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Close Reading a Film Text, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Rough Draft Due, Reflective Writing for Homework

Essential Question: What are the essential features of an effective analysis of a film text?

Check as we complete:

I. ____Do Now (6 minutes): Complete the questions on page 161 in your Springboard text book.

II. ___In-Class Exercise: Write your response to the following on the dot-matrix paper provided. Think about our two viewings of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in yesterday’s class---without sound and with sound. Generate three questions ( questioning the text) that, if given the opportunity, you would ask the director? Pair up with someone next to you. Share your questions. Discuss and write down what you predict the director’s response might be to both of your questions? (6 minutes)

III. Close Reading a Movie ( 38:03--53:00) (15 minutes):

a. _____In watching the movie, focus on scenes 14-16 in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory first without sound. As previously explained, this will allow us to focus on specific camera shots used, but, also, visual indicators of what’s to come in the movie---foreshadowing.

Think about, be attentive to, and after our soundless viewing, answer this:
On you paper identify what you belief is the beginning of the end of Augustus Gloop---what is his downfall? How does Burton set us up for this event. What specific techniques does Burton use to set this up? 

1. Create a graphic organizer by drawing a vertical line that creates two columns. One column should be labeled “Observation” and the other “Interpretation”.

2. For clarification, you will record the shot used under “Observation” and under “Interpretation”. You will identify why you think Burton used this particular shot for this particular scene? Answer the question: what does this camera shot, angle, or movement, or lighting do for the “reader” of this film text? Or how does this contribute to the mood or tone that Tim Burton seeks in this film? 

3. Keep in mind what particular camera shots, camera angles, and particular choices of lighting might do:

  • ___Long shots that establish setting
  • ___Medium shots to display the body language of the characters
  • ___Close-up shots to display facial expressions of the characters
  • ___Shot-reverse-shot to show a conversation between characters and the building of tension
  • ___Lighting to establish mood

4.Watch the scenes with sound. Write your observations and interpretations below the graphic organizer you just completed. Hand this in at the end of class.

*Exit Ticket/Homework:
Reflect on the process you used to make meaning of this film text today. Most importantly, what was different about this experience with film---movie (unlike all your other experiences)? 

1. How might this experience connect with the experience of reading a novel?

2. What strategies did you use while reading this film text ( either introduced by the teacher or of your own making?)?

 Consider the following in your written response:

  • Making predictions
  • Question the film text (what’s happening?)
  • Responding to the text (notes, a graphic organizer)
  • Re-reading ( multiple viewings of the same scenes) 
  • Close Reading ( stop and starting, discussion within the midst)
  • Making inferences

If you have not completed a 5-paragraph rough draft of an essay and handed that in, please do by Wednesday

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