Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Essential Questions: What are the essential features of an effective analysis of a film text?

I. Do Now:Write your response on the paper provided. Think about our two viewings of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory without sound and with sound. Respond to the following: 

In complete sentences:

  • Generate, in writing, two questions ( questioning the text) that, if given the opportunity, you would ask the director about the making of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The questions should be about choices made in making the film (i.e. cinematic techniques, mood, tone...) 
  • Predict, in writing, Tim Burton’s response to these questions.

IIThurs./Fri. Block Day Agenda. On Wednesday, you will have handed in your five paragraph rough draft ( you to work on this independently using the template, suggestions for a thesis statement, suggestions for topic sentences in the form of a question and a concluding paragraph). Your teacher will review these Wednesday night. We will work at editing these in small groups on Thurs./Fri. with the opportunity to include the example of Edward Scissorhands as more evidence of Tim Burton’s style.


A. Close Reading Film: Edward Scissorhands. We will watch Scenes 1-5 (up to 0:26:32). The symbol ($$$) indicates written responses required of you in this in-class exercise.

B. Activity 2.22. Take notes on the major visual and literary elements in this film as outlined on page 162 in your Springboard text. You will do the graphic organizer on the same piece of paper you did you “do-now” on.

____($$$) Like our previous exercises, draw a vertical line down the middle of a piece of paper. Label one column “Observation: What is happening in this scene?” and the other column label it: “Interpretation: What can you infer or predict based on your observations?”. 

  1. Viewers often overlook the opening credits and title sequence of a film. 
  2. In Scene 1 (0-0.02:42) the viewer will see an array of images shot in low-key light of a castle with scientific instruments, cut-out pictures, hands, and faces, all spinning toward the camera. 

____($$$) Make predictions, in writing, about the film based on this imagery on your sheet of paper. 

  1. Scene 2 (0:02:44-0:05:03). “The Frame Story”. How does the camera move in this segment?

____($$$) Based on your viewing of Scene 2, make predictions, in writing, about what type of film this is. 

____($$$) Answer the questions for “Segment One: Opening Titles” and “Segment Two: Frame Story---Grandmother with Granddaughter” on pages 162 and 163 in your textbook.

Homework ($$$): 

  • ____Make sure you have completed the reflective writing piece that was due Wednesday ( detailed on the March 12 handout under “Exit Ticket/Homework”).

  • ____Complete Activity 2.23 (pages 164-165) in Springboard. The “Segment” referred to includes Scenes 3-5. We watched Scenes 1-5 Wednesday. Make sure that you complete this, as it will be important to Thurs./Fri.’s in-class discussion!

Keep up the good work!

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