Friday, March 8, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Lesson

Essential Question: How do media producers use cinematic techniques to achieve special effects?

I._____Do Now: Think about our recent work with mood and tone. Identify the mood, or moods, and tone in the first half dozen scenes of the film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.Identify how mood and tone, as two separate and distinguishable from each other story elements, are achieved in the film?  

II._____Continuation of the film (16:14, 21:36, 22:02, & 23:02). 

III._____Complete page 158, Activity 2.19: Answer the two questions on this page below your completed “do-now” to turn-in.

IV._____Review the individual scenes 1-7 as a whole group. Student groups choose from this list for the group exercise below.

Scene 1: Wonka candy packaging

Scene 2: The story. History of Wonka. Grandpa’s connection to Wonka. Bird Candy. Chocolate Ice Cream. Wonka and the Impossible. The Factory.

Scene 3: Chocolate Palace in India

Scene 4: Jealousy Towards Wonka.Stealing Recipes. Workers Let Go. Mystery About How Candy is Made and By Whom? Mystery. Wonka is Never Seen? Grandpa George is Pessimistic about Charlie Ever Having a Chance for a Ticket. Grandpa Joseph is Optimistic and wants to See Inside of Factory Again. Charlie’s Eating and Sleeping Arrangements.

Scene 5: Charlie Looks to the Factory From Bed. Dreams. Mopeds Deliver Broadside Message About Golden Ticket. The Search for the Golden Ticket Begins. Tokyo, Morocco, and New York. 

Scene 6: Dream of Grandpa and Charlie. Pessimism of Grandpa George.

Scene 7: Augustus Gloop. Veruca Salt. Charlie and Family with B-Day Chocolate.

End Time: 21:58

V. Read page 159 as a whole group. 

VI. Group Work/ Groups of three: Director, Cameraman, and Actor(s)

Directions: Pick a scene that we have viewed. We have viewed seven individual “scenes” so far. Describe how you would apply the following cinematic techniques listed for your group in the portrayal of that scene from the point of view of the director, cameraman, and actor(s). All of you will have to coordinate your answers to come up with one scene (not three different versions of the scene). Each group member will turn in a written explanation of your contribution as either a director, cameraman, or actor(s) for each of the cinematic techniques listed for your group. 
You will present your ideas to the whole class Thursday/Friday.

As your first task, Answer question 1 on page 159.

You will review and answer the questions for Activity 2.20, page 159 after you have presented your scene.

Page 134 has all the descriptions of cinematic techniques to consult. 

Assigned Cinematic Techniques:

Group A: Extreme Close-up, Eye Level, Zoom, Front or Back Lighting,Wipe, and Diegetic Sound

Group B: Long shot, Eye level, Dolly/Tracking, High Key Lighting, Flashback, and Diegetic Sound

Group C: Medium Shot, Low Angle, Tilt, Bottom or Side Lighting, Fade, and Non-Diegetic Sound

Group D: Close-up, High Angle, Boom/Crane, Low Key Lighting, Shot-Reverse-Shot, Non-Diegetic Sound

Group E: Two Shot, High Angle, Pan, Low Key Lighting, Dissolve (Editing Technique), and Diegetic Sound

Group F: Extreme Close-up, Eye Level, Pan, Front or Back Lighting, Shot-Reverse-Shot (Editing Technique), and Non-Diegetic Sound

Homework: For block day, you should have completed last week’s Russian Revolution questions. We will have a quiz on this. You should have read in Animal Farm, Chapters 1-3--up to page 36). 

We will complete our presentations of our group’s chosen scene.

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