Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Embedded Assessment #2 Work: Jan. 2-Jan.10/11

Embedded Assessment 2 Rubric/English 9

Creating an ad Campaign for a Novel ( Of Mice and Men)
Planned Duration: 4 class periods
Purpose of Activity:

  • collaborate with peers to create an advertising campaign for student's independent reading
  • incorporate three different media channels, persuasive techniques, and advertising campaigns.
Unit Reflection:
  • monitor comprehension and growth through a reflective process
  • synthesize understanding of individual reading and writing processes and strategies
  • self-assess mastery of key concepts and terms
Core Standard: Writing 6-12

Grades 9-10, No. 2, a-f
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
a. Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions; include formatting (e.g. headings), graphics (e.g. figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
b. Develop the topic with well chosen, relevant, ad sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience's knowledge of the topic.
c. Use appropriate and varied transitions to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts.
d. Use precise language and domain specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic.
e. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
f. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented (e.g. articulating implications or the significance of the topic).

The rubric, directions, and due dates for the Embedded Assessment #2.

Due Dates (Check as you complete):

  • 1. Group responsibilities for project: At the end of class, Wed., Jan. 2, as this was previously assigned. …………..

  • 2. Typed Rough Drafts of Media Genres: In- Class, Thurs, Jan. 3 (Per. 3, 5, & 7) / Fri., Jan. 4 (Per.6).

  • 3. Revising ( In-class revision and peer review, Springboard text, pg. 82, Mon., Jan. 7 ).

  • 4. Rehearsals/ Videotaping ( In-class, Tues., Jan. 8).

  • 5. Presentations/Peer Reviews: Live or videotaped/ LED projection, whole group presentations.  At least 2 minutes in duration each. The mandatory for all digital videotape of this will be submitted to Mr. Schmick via rschmick@rsu24.org In-Class,Wednesday , January 9.

  • 6. All work for the Embedded Assessment #2 is due in class Wed. January 9, 2013.

  • 7. Reflective Analysis ( Thurs./Fri., Jan. 10/11, 2013)  : In-class essay evaluating your advertising campaign. Include the features of the book you are marketing, the persuasive techniques and rhetorical devices that you used, and quotes from peer evaluators supporting your assessment of your presentation effectiveness ( This will be given to you, as it was to be turned-in by each student on Wed./Thurs. in class in response to the presentations.  
 Rubric: Creating an Ad Campaign for a Novel
Scoring Criteria
Emerging: 2 (70-79%)
Proficient: 3 (80-89)
Exemplary: 4(90-100)
The purpose and focus of the campaign ads are not always clear. The ads do not capture their intended audience or there is no variety of audience.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The campaign ads are crafted with a clear purpose and an attempt to target at least two different audiences.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The campaign thoughtfully devises multiple ads that are marked with a clear and consistent purpose to appeal at least two different places.
1  2  3  4  5 6  7  8  9  10
The campaign does not show use of advertising appeals and rhetorical appeals. The campaign fails to persuade the audience.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The campaign shows use of advertising appeals and rhetorical appeals that persuade the audience to read the book.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The campaign shows a skillful use of advertising appeals and rhetorical appeals that work together effectively to entice the audience to read the book.
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Reflective Text
The reflection includes minimal analysis of the features of the book and persuasive techniques used. It may not identify the intended audiences or address the campaign’s strengths or weaknesses.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The reflection analyzes the features of the book, the persuasive techniques used to reach the intended audiences, and some strengths and weaknesses of the campaign.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The reflection insightfully analyzes the features of the book, the persuasive techniques used to reach the intended audiences, and the overall strengths and weaknesses of the campaign.
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
The campaign ads contain frequent errors in standard writing conventions that seriously interfere with the meaning of the texts.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The campaign ads demonstrate control of standard writing conventions. Though some errors may appear, they do not seriously impede readability.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The campaign presents polished ads. Either no errors appear, or they are so slight that they do not interfere with the meaning.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Evidence of Collaboration
Inadequate planning and collaboration are evident.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The campaign ads demonstrate control of standard writing conventions. Though some errors may appear, they do not seriously impede readablilty.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The project demonstrates extensive evidence of successful planning and collaboration.
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Additional Criteria

Each facet of the two media genres chosen ( a dramatized commercial, an interview with the author, or a print advertisement) are fully realized. Evidence of planning and creation, the paper work, of the elements of each genre are included when submitting the final project.

Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing for Publication, Presentation and Reflective Analysis

  • Decide how to share the responsibility of ad creation among the members of your group and submit this in writing. One group member might work on the ad design, another member might write the script for the commercial, etc. This will be due in writing at the end of class on Wed., Jan. 2, as this was previously assigned.
  • Create rough drafts of your advertisements and persuasive texts on paper. Be sure to incorporate a variety of advertising techniques and rhetorical appeals in your ads as well as the five elements of argumentation (Identify these and use the proper terminology in your written work for this part of the embedded assessment. Due: Thurs, Jan. 3 (Per. 3, 5, & 7) / Fri., Jan. 4 (Per.6).
  • Revising ( In-class revision and peer review, Mon.,  Jan. 7 ):
1.      Meet with another group.
2.      Share your project.
3.      Try to identify the audience(s) and appeals the other group is using, and provide feedback on how effective their ads are at this point.
4.      Peer Review ( Complete the feedback form in writing on page 82 in Springboard to satisfy this requirement ) :Consider the following three questions ( Write the questions out, discuss and record in writing your answers; give these to the group you responded to, and they will use them and submit them with their final project to evidence of revision/the writing process). Consult the rubric above to see how this revision of the following point will improve your score on the assessment:
What information have the writers included about the book that appeals to me as a prospective  reader?
What advertising techniques have they used to motivate me to buy the book?
How have they used rhetorical appeals to persuade me to read the book?
  • Editing for Publication. Complete your final versions of your ads on paper and as a video presentation(s). Check to be sure the appearance, design, text, and language conventions are appropriate for your finished product. Make changes as needed. Remember from our Unit 1 work, and our previous formative assignments, that the print advertisement and the dramatized commercial need:
1.      A slogan
2.      title and author of the novel
3.      Publisher’s name
4.      Price (?) (Where to buy?)
5.      Graphic image of the front (and back ?) of the novel
6.      ISBN---What’s that?
Further information for completing this assignment:
  • Honors Challenge students who choose to use a novel other than Of Mice and Men are responsible for adapting all the group work to the specifics of their chosen novel. They must also, unless otherwise arranged with the teacher, have group members that are all honors challenge students. In the case of the “literature circle” work, you will need to identify some key passages from the text and relate them to the tasks of this assignment. In sum, those who create an ad campaign for Of Mice and Men will have the benefit of our online discussion board and our class discussions; in contrast, your group will have to generate discussions about the text of your choice in order to draw content from for the sake of this assessment.
  • Every group is responsible for choosing two media genres from the three below:
1.      A dramatized commercial (2-3 minutes)
·         Make sure this commercial is at least 2 minutes from start to finish. Time it during your rehearsals.
·         This will involve creating a written summary of the details of the commercial (at least, three paragraphs with a fourth concluding paragraph type-written). You should include: characterization, dialogue, description of visual elements, and description of the action, product identification, slogans, and the audience(s) you are trying to connect with.
·         A storyboard of this commercial that graphically illustrates what will be done and what will be said (On paper and a print version submitted on the due date).
·         A working script that the cast members of the commercial (type written, attached with other group documents, and in print versions of all stapled together and  submitted by the due ).
·         Videotape this and submit one digital copy to Mr. Schmick via rschmick@rsu24.org by end of school Wed., January 9.
2.      An Interview with the Author
·         A summary of the interview (three paragraphs and a conclusion, in print, stapled and submitted in print on the due date): who the interviewee is, what information will be important for the author to share for your ad campaign for his/her novel, and a transcript of what was said ( this is actually a script because one of your group members will role play the author while another role plays an interviewer ). You should consider that for John Steinbeck this interview would have had to take place by 1968 when he passed away; this might contribute to some amusing elements to your interview with language choices, costume, overall appearance of the role players.
·         You might use a fragment of this in your actual dramatized commercial combining the two. Be aware that you will need to complete both thoroughly as described.
·         A storyboard of the interview (see the above description of the requirements for such a storyboard).
·         Script---include the script you use to create a convincing interview
·         Videotape this. Follow the same instructions above for the videotaped dramatized commercial.
3.      Print Advertisement: This should be as a poster, but all text and images should be created through digital software, printed and pasted to a cardboard support. Glue and poster board will be supplied.
Make sure you include the following as the minimum content for this media genre:
  • A slogan
  • title and author of the novel
  • Publisher’s name
  • Price (?) and where to buy ( website, online bookstore, or publishing house?)
  • (Graphic image of the front (and back ?) of the novel
  • ISBN?
Putting our best efforts forward!

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